Winter finally transitioned to spring, making it more comfortable (but muddy) to get out and about.
Favourite shot of the month

Two red deer at Parc Omega discussing who has dibs on the corn scattered on the ground.
A close second was "Shall we dance?"

Two cinnamon bears, also at Parc Omega, not long after emerging from hibernation.
Two weeks after the above, the ice had melted and a black bear had been testing the pond in its enclosure.

A couple of birds at Mer Bleue

Red-breasted nuthatch

Red-breasted nuthatch

Hairy woodpecker
The mourning cloak butterflies are usually the first ones out in the spring. Plus we found a screech owl squinting in the sun. We suspect it might be guarding a nest.

While out on a wild goose chase and only finding some small flocks of snow geese, there were lots of wild turkeys with the males putting on quite a show, but in the distance.

A rooster letting a chicken know who is boss.

Rabbit and mallard duck in (different) spots of sunlight.

Two male and a female merganser were patrolling the Sawmill Wetlands. The number of ducks in the wetlands seems to vary day by day. While half a dozen or so hooded mergansers were at Parc Omega.

Common merganser

Hooded merganser
The ring-billed gulls and cormorants had taken over the island on the Quebec side at the Deschênes Rapids.

The cormorants were on nest.

Cedar waxwings were checking out the buckthorn berries.

Meanwhile, at Luskville Falls....

One small area of the Pine Grove Trail on a damp morning seemed to have been invaded by land snails. There must have been over 100 of them.

The wet trees seemed to show off the gypsy moth egg masses from last year. One tree still had many exoskeletons of the females next to the egg masses.