The year seems to be passing very quickly, we're two-thirds of the way through already. It was a busy month. While most of the PhotoStories are linked, you might want to check out the other site mentioned on the home page.
Lots of wildflowers are blooming everywhere, with some fall flowers starting to appear. (Scroll over for ID)

Cardinal flower

Joe-pye weed


Purple loosestrife


Wild rose


Rose mallow

Showy tick-trefoil

Dame's rocket

Musk mallow


Field mint

Bottle gentian

Flowering rush

Evening primrose

Golden rod

St John's wort

Brown-eyed susan


Woodland sunflower

Bird's foot trefoil

Butter and eggs

Touch-me-not (Impatiens)

Flat topped white asters


I discovered that a good number of Queen Anne's Lace flowers that were going to seed were hosting carrot seed moth caterpillars.

With all the rain we've had, mushrooms were showing up a month earlier than normal.

One mushroom really caught my eye, but only in the morning as it was finished and gone by the afternoon. Hare's foot inkcap.
They start out like a skinless cap

Often mistaken for mushrooms, Indian pipes, a perennial flower, seemed to be very plentiful, including well over 200 groupings at Mer Bleue

A few birds caught my eye more than others

Green heron with itch at Mud Lake

Blue jays at Parc Omega

Juvenile bald eagle at Mud Lake

Cape may warbler on the ridge at Mud Lake

Female cardinal in molt

Male cardinal, mouth full, ending molt
Parc Omega has opened up the arctic wolf enclosure, the wolves are now free to wander around the road as the cars drive through.

The Zoo in Syracuse NY has two 11 month old twins that were catching everyone's eyes

A walk around Pink Lake in Gatineau Park produced some nice berries and interestingly shaped sap drips


Climbing nightshade

sap drip

sap drip
The large sand sculpture and the butter sculpture certainly were eye catching