A few days reprieve from snow, then 4-6" of it arrived. By the end of the month it was gone and the temperatures were above 0°C.
While hoping for the resident red fox to drop by at the Hilda Road feeders, the birds kept our eyes occupied. The fox never did turn up. (Scroll over for ID)

Blue Jays and mourning dove

Female, male hairy woodpecker

Chickadee and junco

Blue Jays and hairy woodpecker
After several months of trail work, part of the closed section of trail re-opened, but the rest of the trail is now closed until next spring. We still caught sight of some local residents.

Male mallard


Male cardinal

Black squirrel

Male wild turkey
The nuthatch felt it was his turn for a handout, so the chickadee was chased away. A few minutes later, the chickadees were chasing the nuthatch away...

It seemed a black squirrel might be trying to imitate a skunk to keep others at bay.... Hadn't seen a squirrel with a white tip in its tail before.

Petrie Island presented a wealth of eye catching photo ops with a 4-6" snowfall the day before.

While the temperatures had warmed up the wind blown ice was still jammed up in the bays at Andy Haydon Park (and Shirley's Bay)