January was a month of mixed weather from slightly above freezing with rain to -20°C (-4°F).
The -10°C temperatures produced some nice frost., but not quite what I was hoping for.
The -20°C produced my favourite, the feathery frost.
The -20°C temperatures puffed up the birds (yes some robins over winter if there is enough food for them) and caused the squirrels to shiver.
Can you spot the Canada goose in amongst the ducks scrambling for the cracked corn?
Spotting the black ducks in the bunch is much harder.....
At Petrie Island, the wild turkey tracks were certainly pointing the way
Some of the tree sparrows and chickadees, posed nicely at the Hilda Road feeders
A cardinal was much shyer at Mud Lake
Tracks on our front porch really caught my eye one morning. Looked like a coyote had dropped by dragging his nighttime meal
A three day trip to Montreal came up with some eye catchers
Some mergansers dropped by Mud Lake at the end of the month - hooded and common mergansers
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