Another active month with lots of things catching my eye.
Two out of the ordinary sites caught my attention and eye. Both were modern, up-to-date facilities. One, the U of O Health Sciences building and the other the Dairy Barn at the Blackrapids farm.

Mud Lake as usual provided a good number of eye catching situations

Every visit to Parc Omega brings different sights. A trip at the start of the month and a second at the end were no different

After three visits, the green herons at Nepean Creek finally made an appearance for us

The Mer Bleue Boardwalk had different orchids blooming on two visits.

On the way down to the Osprey at Iroquois Lock, we checked out the Robert Graham Conservation Area. The biting insects were plentiful, but so was a colony of yellow ants. The osprey, after much patience on our part did put on short flight displays.

Petrie Island once again provided its share of flowers and birds.

Flooded fields, waterfalls and a street rabbit caught the eye in a number of locations