May is always a busy month what with spring wildflowers, returning birds, and so on.
COVID was still interfering but there was lots of things to catch my eye including flowers, birds, snakes, turtles, frogs, rusted cars, murals etc
I came across more garter snakes than usual this year, maybe because I was out more?
Outside Almonte I had a face to face discussion with one and was fascinated with the tongue sensing the air.

Then another garter snake, this one in town, led me to a “nest” of 4-5. I managed to get a shot with 3 still in the “nest”.

The annual tulip festival provided many missed opportunities, but I was happy with a few.
I was quite pleased with the serendipitous abstract "tulip bubbles".

The early spring produced three types of trilliums, jack-in-the-pulpits, trout lilies, squirrel corn, columbine and on and on..

Painted trillium

white trillium

red trillium

spring beauty

trout lily

trout lily

trout lily

two-leafed toothwort

squirrel corn


blue violet

yellow violet


apple blossoms

apple blossom

grass in bloom


star flower







foam flower


wood sorrel

My "can’t pass a wood duck without taking a picture" syndrome added to the wood duck collection, along with pictures of Canada geese (ugh), American restart, phoebe. A mourning dove who was reluctantly accustomed to people entering the door beneath her nest caught my eye. The ravens were nesting at Mud Lake again this year, the nest was difficult to see, but not hard to hear. As were the fledglings after leaving the nest. Ravens also operated a wake-up service at home one morning.

male wood ducks

male wood ducks

female wood duck

woo duck pair looking for a hollow in a tree for a nest

wood duck action

male mallard duck

red-tailed hawk

red-tailed hawk

great blue heron


phoebe nest

black-crowned night heron

male cardinal

northern flicker

house wren building nest

house wren building nest

house wren building nest

house wren building nest

house wren with unusual nest box

house wren with unusual nest box

Canada goose and painted turtles

Canada goose gosling

Canada goose families

red-winged blackbird

American redstart

yellow warbler

mourning dove

juvenile ravens on nest

Water Creatures

painted turtle

painted turtle

map turtle

painted turtle with snapping turtle

map and painted turtles

bull frog

bull frog

mosquito equipped bull frog

leopard frog


New Growth
I thought it was very considerate of the beaver to plant a new seedling at the base of the two trees he had just harvested.

maple seeds



fern spikes



Poison ivy


excerpt from abandoned

slightly foggy forest

red squirrel

decoy coyote fending off geese

muralized staircase