An eye catcher from late September that didn't find its way into last month's blog.....
The small town of South Lancaster isn't big enough to have a food bank, but we came across their Community Food Pantry

The carved pumpkins at Pumpkinferno has been a feature at Upper Canada Village for 12 years. Some of this year's new carvings caught our eye.

At Parc Omega, the rut was in full swing. the bellowing of the elk caught our ears, not only our eyes. The moose which normally are well back in the woods came out for a snack delivery and we had a close up look at some of them. The bears having grown a thicker coat for the winter hibernation, were feeling the record high temperatures

At the Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary near Long Sault on the St Lawrence River, the bullrush cat tails were going to seed.

The backlit ferns certained caught the eye..

A red squirrel was laying low, and then scurried over to a picnic table for some seeds a visitor had left.

As we were keeping an eye on a muskrat swimming by, it seemed that it was keeping an eye on us as well.

At the exclusive Hummingbird Chocolate factory store in Almonte someone had done some sculpting in very large blocks of chocolate - wonder who had the left-overs from the sculpting??

The tamarack trees at the Mer Bleue Bog had not changed to their eye-fetching gold colour yet, but a bright red mushroom and some colourful fresh turkey tail fungus were trying to make up for it.

A Walk in the Woods produced a spotted knotweed and a heal all in bloom, along with a fresh shaggy mane mushroom and a millipede

A still-in-molt mallard duck swimming through a fall colour reflection was eye fetching as were the bright blooms of the burdock

I had seen a photo of two screech owls together, but I had no luck finding the two, but I did find one of them - the red morph screech owl

A visit to some urban nature areas two weeks later produced a red fox and some barred owls

Driving up Bank St, I my eye spotted something strange, I couldn't stop then but I did on the return trip. A fire hydrant with arms!

Down at Petrie Island a cormorant caught in the bright sun against a dark background couldn't help but grab my attention. Bright red sumach leaves wanted my attention as well.