Cool days, hot days, wet days. A real mixture during the month. Not as much photography as in August.
One of the figures from the 2017 Mosicanada display caught my eye. It is in Gatineau on Montcalm Street. First picture is from 2017 when it was covered with live plants, second picture is as it is now.

In the same area are four eye-catching wolf artworks and some murals

Plus a fun public sculpture

Some nicely lit mallards and an egret caught my attention at Petrie Island

Not sure I'll remember the names of a few things spotted at Petrie Island....
Sneezeweed, Hackberry nipplegall psyllid, Carrion flower berries, Marsh woundwort, Pigeon horntail

A visit to Mud Lake saw several eye-catching items including a patch of huge mushrooms and a much smaller mushroom torn cleaning showing a nice cross-section.

Almost walked by a pileated woodpecker as it is was in the grass at the base of a tree, but it moved up slightly when I stopped 7-10 feet away from it.

A green heron was looking for lunch while a grey squirrel was working hard to get into a walnut.
Many of the male wood ducks have "recovered" from their molt and are looking quite splendid.

A large fist-sized toad didn't seem to mind sitting for its portrait, but finally moved on.

Two not-often-seen snakes caught my eye this month. A watersnake crossing the road at Mud Lake and a small milk snake on a gravel pathway...

The movement of a honeybee at Black Rapids and two caterpillars at Mer Bleue Boardwalk certainly drew my attention.
The annual Gardens of the Light display was on again in Montreal

While there are less animals at the Montreal Biodome than in the past, there still are a good number to catch your eye.

Fall colours were starting to appear, although many leaves seem on the dry side and not as colourful.