A month with some variety and revisiting the "usual" places.
A three day jaunt to Prince Edward County provided some nature, some artwork, beaches and some ostriches
At the long Point Bird Observatory area a green heron really caught our eyes as it allowed us to get relatively close. At one point it was doing a good imitation of a roadrunner bird from Arizona. 
A few insects and flowers also caught our attention
Visits to Sandbanks as well as North Beach Provincial Parks produced vistas, flowers and a few birds amongst other things
Picton, the largest urban centre on Prince Edward County has an interesting main street, a birdhouse city and an outdoor sculpture garden at a nearby winery.
Base 31 provided an opportunity for some "grunge" photos
An ostrich farm certainly caught our attention
A walk on trails at Parc Plaisance on the Quebec side produced lots of great blue herons, a raccoon and a few flowers, plus the Plaisance waterfalls
A visit to Fletcher WIldlife Garden, and a walk around part of the Experimental Farm's Arboretum produced some new-to-me pink turtlehead blossoms and a Japanese crabapple tree in fruit stage and blooming at the same time
Walks around the Sawmill Creek ponds and the Old Quarry trail gave us opportunities for some blossoms and a snowshoe (?) hare
Monihan Drain was relatively quiet as was Petrie Island. A cormorant at Monihan demonstrated how they have to take a run at to get airborne. A kingfisher was sitting on the culvert at Petrie and a great blue heron concentrating on fishing and ignoring nearby photographers
Things were quite quiet at Mud Lake, but a few male ducks, back in full regalia were out and about
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